segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2011

Lovin' you....

Is so hard to say
Is so hard to understand
What my heart feel everyday
When I saw you
When I talk to you
I feel a freezing inside of me
My hands shake

It could be LOVE?
It could be MADNESS?
I don't know yet..
But I think both :S

I don't command my own heart yet
And...I think when I get tame it
Will be too late
Because I'll be LOVING YOU!

By: Camila Christt (Me) ♥
Sinceramente... sinto saudades desse tempo!
Tempo em que toda minha felicidade concentrava-se no preto, na escurudão, no ódio e ao mesmo tempo na paixão!
Embora isso não esteja mais constantemente em meu fenótipo, tenho a certeza de que em meu genótipo sempre fooi e sempre será assim! ♥

Welcome to my dark life!...

By: Camila Christt

Heeey you!

Heey! Do you feel what I feel? You are such a STAR, but that's not WHY I love you. Heey YOU! I don't know yet If I like or really love you... and don't know If is really YOU that I love! .. ♥